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Sale Settings

For a detailed understanding of the Sale Settings, explore our comprehensive Guide on creating a flat-price sale.

Could not retrieve details for specified Token ID, or Token has more than 18 decimals.
Enter a number up to 18 digits long, with an optional decimal part of up to 18 digits.
Enter a number up to 18 digits long, with an optional decimal part of up to 18 digits.
Enter a number up to 18 digits long, with an optional decimal part of up to 18 digits, a minimum of 100 and no more than Max Raise.
Enter a valid future date.
Enter a valid future date, after sale start date.
Enter a valid Date, not before Sale End Date
Enter a valid Date, not before Sale End Date, not after Vesting End Date
Enter a number between 0 and 10000.
Enter a number larger than 1

Whitelist Sale

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are automatically populated based on the information entered in other fields.